Sunday, July 08, 2007 It's J-U-S-T-I-N!!!

Justin Timberlake FutureSexLoveSounds 070707...

C and I had a great time, singing and dancing in an entirely full
O2/milleneum dome. I think he managed to play basically all the songs from both his albums, backed by Timbaland on a couple of songs.. It was AMAZING! He managed to get the whole place hopping up and down, and us girls in the cheap seats wishing we could have afforded tickets for the VIP bar - literally being able to touch him as he danced across the bar... ;.)

I didn't expect it to be so great, nor Justin to perform such a fantastic show - dancing/singing/flirting with every single female at the concert...! I feel like a teenager again, infatuated with a popstar, haha!

The round stage in the middle of the arena worked incredibly well - perhaps because we were located above and could see him wherever he was on the stage.. The people on the floor may have been closer, but must've lost the overall sense of where he was.

All in all an excellent evening, in good company on the upper tier, with an amazing showman and a couple of hours of freedom from everyday worries.

Bringing SexyBack - hell yeah! ;.)

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