Thursday, May 22, 2008

Upside down you're turning me...

Just saw a lady with a pearl necklace and white shirt driving a cab and a guy sitting in the back wearing a football shirt and reading the newspaper. The world IS upside sometimes.


moif said...

All we need now is a female prime minister... or just a prime minister who isn't called Something-Rasmussen and things really will have turnd upside down!

Speaking of which, I went to a job interview today... of my own volition. Hows that for an inversion of the natural order!

Cthulhu is amongst us!

mlj said...

My oh my - it's not just here that things are going berzerk!

Although it totally freak me out, it does sound great with a job interview..! What's it for?

moif said...

Graphic design, illustration, stuff like that. If I get in, it will be perfect... If...

mlj said...

Sounds like what you're good at! Good luck, fingers crossed.