Thursday, October 18, 2007

Seaman’s Log, Day 3 of Leg One of Journey to the New World

"Setting off on the first day all were busy, and I got engaged in relevant work very early. My fellow sailors all seem friendly; however I have yet to be at a workplace where politics are not rife. Since then it has been an increasingly rough sea, with the Captain today reprimanding me for not wearing appropriate dress, so this evening did my best to assemble suitable clothing. I guess I’ll see/hear/feel tomorrow if I have hit the high mark we are all meant to aim for. Tasks have been farther and farther between, mainly of the well-known “you-don’t-really-need-to-know-so-much-to-do-this”-type. Captain says that work which requires more brain-work will soon come my way, that I will be back in three weeks complaining over the workload. We’ll see. Better be busy than be idle, I say (at least when just commencing a new job and you really want to make a good impression, and when you obviously are not doing so through your physical appearance).

I shan’t be writing much these days, I have no time. I hope all is well for my friends and family."

So wrote I 2 weeks ago, already a long time since.. I've been so busy lately I don't even know whether I am coming or going anymore. I have been struggling to find time to be just by myself. I just want to do too many things, and I don't have the time to do it all. Work is 9-5.30 every day, and basketball has taken over 3-4 nights a week and the saturday for games. Too much? I think so. But now the main stress of my new job is over - I mean now I know where to find tea, how to open the safe and who to talk to about projects, etc, etc.

I have been gettring attached to some interesting projects and have already had the opportunity to partake in 2 consultation events and several site visits. It's great - and I think I'm going to enjoy the consultation part of the job a whole lot!

Tomorrow I'm off to Letchworth Garden City to do a Town Centre Appraisal, and was actually supposed to go with a colleague. She is really busy, so now I'm doing it alone...It's a bit much, but also really cool. It's a chance to show them that I can think!

My parents were here the last 2 weekends - lovely to see them here! This weekend my two bestest friends from uni are coming over, before heading to Marrakesh, I think for a study tour. It'll be great to see them here - I really don't get to spend enough time with my friends based in Denmark. I think we're mainly going to talk, eat, drink, watch the English watch rugby and.. well, that's gotta be enough!

Thinking of you all.


moif said...

...and then suddenly...?

mlj said...

..and then suddenly, life took over..