Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sometimes I just wonder...

Being in a course on Urban Design at the moment, a lot of my time goes with thinking about the solutions that people put forth for cities, both contemporary and historical. Having studied the suject for a few years now, and having read a number of books on the subject, I can feel the "wiseness" of not actually having to live in an earlier period. And it's all around me, tutors and students alike tend to have strong opinions on earlier strategies and manifests.

It's so easy now to point out all the things, which are wrong about for example brutalism in the 70es, but when it comes to today, we are less so inclined. We all (except the brilliant few) believe and practice what's the current mantra. As would any good student...?!

At my school it's called sustainability, balance on all scales, economics/environment/social issues.. It's not that I don't think that this is the way to go (because, you know, I have learnt in school that it is!), but sometimes I just can't help but wonder if we're all victims of living in the day and age that we do. That we can't see the flaws of the subject we're dealing with, because we are working with it every single day based on the theories that are in vogue. And, honestly, that scares me a bit.

I guess that's what separates the innovators and brilliant minds from the rest of us: The ability to see what's wrong with the models of today and to make it right. Or at least try another idea.

I for one am blinded by the flashes of contemporary hailings. Let's hope I wise up one day.


nurulazreenazlan said...

i'm still stuck in the swinging sixties (yep i realized that i wasn't bornt yet at that time, well not for another 20 years).

there was an air of optimism of what the future holds that i found very seductive (well from my readings they looked pretty good). such a romantic notion. heroic even.

good clean concrete lines.. makes me shiver with delight just thinking about it.

and then it got ugly in the 70's and 80's. ugh.

well let's clean up the mess that they left. we do what we can to save the world i guess.

mlj said...

I'd love to! The thing is, I'm afraid that what we do these days could be just as bad...!

I mean, get me right - I believe that dealing with a human scale (forgive me Jonathan - a tutor at school - for using a term like that which might mean anything!) is a good approach... but maybe history will prove us wrong.

moif said...

So, what's the current mantra?

'Sustainability' is one of those buzz words that gets bandied about on the BBC so much. It's like 'multi culture', something we invented to describe what was happening to us. Like a patient diagnosing himself.

Makes me lauh when ever I hear Brits describing teir country today. They just can't but help themselves using the words 'vibrant' and 'diversity'.

Makes it sound like Britain is being shaken to pieces.

mlj said...

Well, actually Moif, I think sustainability is more than what is happening to us.

It is most definately the current mantra in the corner of the urban design world that I'm moving about in..

Sustainability is something to strive for, in order to create a balance of the world (in big terms!), as opposed to something happening to us. Or at least that's what I'm learning at school.. And this is what I am interested in - how true is what I am being exposed to at uni - how long will it last? People teaching it believe in the truth and longevity of what they are saying, but I'm just wondering what's a fad and what's "true"?!

moif said...

They're only human.... do you trust human beings?


(BTW, tell your Mom she was right about Dr Ambrosius)

mlj said...

Not really.. :.) they do have a tendency to act in an untrustworthy manner!

(Really? Without knowing the results, let me now say that I am happy to hear this!)