Monday, November 19, 2007

Being happy on my own and the consequences this has on my future

What a title! I have been told that I think too much. My initial response was “I don’t think you can think too much”, which might pretty well sum op the issues for some… Actually, this last while has been very busy, and I feel that I haven’t had much time to simply reflect on what’s going on in my life. Rather, days seem to be dripping by, slowly, steadily, unstoppable, inevitable. I wont go into what has made my life so “busy”, I’m afraid it might just sound like everyone else’s and that’s not the point. So what is the point, the avid reader asks! I seam to have reached a stable level, a plateau if you wish, where my life is rolling, rolling, with out too much extraordinary effort on my part. Amazing how fast we land in a routine (set the clock for 7am, get up at 7.35 after snoozing 4 times, take the bus at 8.08, etc.), which allows us to just… keep going. I am fighting the urge to keep adding “new, exciting events” to my life, and am doing my very best to just go with the flow. It somehow goes against the grain of me, yet I know this is what I need. A period of easy (everyday) life (because life is never easy). A while where I can be just me, enjoying my own company and the random thoughts and musings that this brings about.

Which brings me back to the title of this post. I am 27, just turned a month and a bit ago. I am recovering from a powerful experience, which will stay with me for the next long while. I am happy on my own. I am hopeful for the future. So the question that has been nagging at my consciousness while on the bus/falling asleep/daydreaming while “illustrator-ing” is what I am to do. Obviously, I am now alone and fine about it. But, time is flying and if I take a long time to become ready to move on in my own mind again, I might not end up where I want to. I need to take a good, long think about what I actually want from this life. So, please don’t ask me to not think so much. I have to, in order to regain my sanity and look to the future. Plus, I wouldn’t be me if I weren’t concerned with all this stuff.


nurulazreenazlan said...

Who's this person who's been saying you think too much? Tsk tsk. How could anybody say that?


Keep on rollin' luv, you never know when the rug's gonna get pulled from under you feet, hence it pays to think, both to appreciate and keep you on your toes.

Yeah take it from me who's struggling to be on my feet. It's been one hell of a year, and it's not over yet, no sirree!


moif said...

You can say that again!

Incidently, don't get too comfortable, according to the ancient Mayan calender we only have 5 years left before the world ends.

mlj said...

..all the more reason to consider what you want to spend those last 5 years doing!!!

moif said...

Yes... that would be making babies in the off chance that the Mayans didn't know what they were talking about!

mlj said...

Sounds like a plan!

moif said...

Okay then, how about the week end after next?

Hee hee hee... just kidding.

Can't say I have much faith in the predictions of people who reached their conclusions by examinig the steaming entrails of human sacrifices atop pyramids under southern stars.

mlj said...

hehe, you are rude, now aren't you? But I would have to lean towards your considerations regarding entrails etc.. just bloody weird, they were!