Friday, November 21, 2008


I write this on my new macbook pro, which is absolutely wonderful. I must say, my apple-wares do provide me with more pleasure than my older, worn-out laptop.

I've really made an effort with my running this week, and it just seems to be getting easier and easier for me to run at the speed I want to, and even to go a bit further than I have been doing. Feels great, and I feel confident I'll reach my 90km goal this month. Since Monday I have run 27km already, and I will go out at least once more during the weekend. I'm now consistently running at less than 5 minutes/km, no matter how far I run. I've not run farther than 10km at one time, but I think I'm going to expand on that sometime soon.

Ever since my mom commented on all my running and said that maybe I should be doing something for my upper body as well I have been tormented by the image of myself with bulging calfs and thighs, and with a scrawny set of stick arms. I don't know what to do about it though. I'm considering some yoga perhaps? The stretching might be good for my weary legs too. Any training thoughts and suggestions are welcomed!

I'm going home for Thanksgiving next Wednesday, and am really looking forward to some TLC in the family home, not to mention the amazing food. It's been around half a year since I was home last, and although my brothers have visited, and my parents ditto recently, I just feel a bit out of touch. Particularly with my friends. I find I'm a lot less inclined to email or text when things are not flowing easily, and I haven't exactly been following the textbook example of how-to-do-a-career lately, or been feeling great. Actually I've been rather confused (and continue to be so, albeit to a lesser degree these days).

The London Jazz Festival is on at the mo, and I'm just about to head down to the Southbank Centre to hear one of the free acts there. It sounds really good in the leaflet, so I'm hoping it will be. Tomorrow I'm going to another free gig, which is more of a bossanova and samba sound. I love London!

Take care you guys. Thinking of you all. Err, both.


moif said...

Say hi to your Mom

mlj said...

Will do Moif! he always asks to the three of you.. :.)

nurulazreenazlan said...

have fun stuffing your face with turkey and thus undoing all the hard work you've been doing for the past 3 months, muahahahahahaha!

it's gonna be the other Eid next weekend, there's no ending to feasting in this country =P

mlj said...

The turkey was excellent, both of them! And today a third will be served up for the extended family...

Thanks for the kind predictions Nurul.
