Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Post no. 102

So, I've been looking forward to my post number 100, but in the current frenzy of uni work apparently totally missed it a couple of days back. So here's me at work, in front of massive windows straight onto the street and loads of passersby eating a bagel with humous in celebration.

I have now reached the point where I can't NOT do anything anymore. I HAVE to, and hence, I am producing away. Never mind that I don't get the point of all of it, nor that I haven't prepared my presentation properly, I need material to pin up! At least if I do that they can't say I haven't done s***. I've acquired a key and can stay as long as I want. Which means I'll stay long. I think I'll even stay over on Thursday - there's a shower in the basement, so, hey! Oh yeah, presentation day is now Friday not Thursday. Man I can't wait for the weekend!

As you can see I have upped my running goal for September, ambitiously. As I right now have absolutely no life, I will already at the end of this week be massively behind. Bummer. I think I'll go out on Saturday after a good long night's sleep Friday.

Take care my two blog readers, and I hope to have the chance to see you each some time in the not to far off future, although, given a number of circumstances, it might be a while.

(Anyone else reading this blog than my nimble and graphically talented and friend in Denmark and my longlost sweet Asian friend in the far east - feel free to say hi and I'll include you in any future direct addresses!)


nurulazreenazlan said...


good to know that it has been postponed! a lot can be achieved in 24 hours when you're desperate, trust me, i know what i'm talking about, hehe.

Ryokoo said...

ok! now u got more than 2 blog readers, good luck! for your big presentation

mlj said...

Hey how cool! Thanks for showing your face Miguel - the web can be such a lonely place..!

And yeah, Nurul, I have tonight and then 4 hours of work followed by presentation. Obviously with no sleep before and with only a total of 13 hours the last 3 nights...

Boooyaka! :.D

Tuan Azmil Abdullah said...

Me! Me! :D