Thursday, September 28, 2006
First week almost over
However, I do look forward to pushing my academic limits. I'm quite sure that this school has a way of pulling out the very best of people - the work I have seen by previous students on all programmes is quite impressive.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Welcome to an urbanites reflections
So I did it again.. Re-transplanted myself to another country, another city, in the pursuit of education, experiences and based on plain, ol’ curiosity. It appears that the physical move is the most troublesome of switching dwelling area. I feel oddly at home here already, even though I have only previously been here in
It is striking to me how dissimilar
Also, this whole studying-in-another-country-thing has got me all jittery! I’m getting excited to know who will be on my programme, what sort of classes we are going to do, all that kind of stuff. I’m even beginning to feel quite motivated to do coursework, essays, design work. Amazing what a 3 month break from designing/work can do for your motivation! Unfortunately it’s not surprising what that sort or slacking will do to your bank account though.. I am seriously considering getting a job alongside my studies, however little I feel like doing so. I do prefer to focus on my studies while I’m in the middle of them. We’ll see how busy I am between studies, basketball (up to 4x/w!), seeing friends and boyfriend.